Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Today is the release date of the newest Goo Goo Dolls CD!  They’re my absolute fav. band in the world!  I pre-ordered mine and am just waiting for it to arrive in the mail!  I can’t wait that long!  Now, that I’ve got the squealing out of the way . . .honestly, I was tempted to put that all in caps.  lol. 

As I said, they’re my fav. band of all time.  I have a copy of every album that they’ve made, even their first album that’s no longer available.  This isn’t just a ‘omg! they’re so cute!’ band crush type of thing.  Their music saved my life.  When I was 16, I was in a really dark time, going through major insomnia, anorexia and anxiety attacks, even thoughts of suicide, everyday.  First time I heard the song “Slide” I cried.  It was such a huge release to hear that someone might actually understand what I was going through and telling me things that I needed to hear.  I immediately bought the album and the only way I was able to sleep at night at all was by listening to the album on repeat til I finally drifted off.  If it wasn’t for their music, I honestly think I would have killed myself.  Ever since then, I’ve been hooked to their music and it’s helped me through some very tough times in my life. 

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