Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The beginning of the 5th term

The beginning of a new term is always nerve wracking for me.  The work is coming, I know that it’s coming and I get anxious for it to start so that I can hurry up and get it out of the way.  It’s the waiting that gets to me.  Once the term officially starts, I’m rushing through the first few weeks so that I can get ahead in reading, and working on projects and whatnot.  Then I’m fine and actually try to have fun with the material and with the meeting of new classmates and a new professor and all that. 

Anyway, this term I have Diseases of the Human Body and Pharmacology.  Both seem very interesting so far.  Both look to be like a lot of work.  I hope it won’t take me too long to feel like I’ve caught up with everything. 

Good luck to anyone else out there starting another term of school!

1 comment:

  1. Lila,
    I’m starting another term, the fourth term for me. I’m in your pharmacology class, it's going to just be a rote memory drill I think, perhaps two-hundred and fifty drugs, that will change in the next three or four years because they cause cancer…, or don't make any money, so why bother. However, it’s sort of fun to learn about the chemistry, the logic that pharmaceutical companies use to try to cure something; let’s make their hair fall out and then say it’s a cure for the common cold, it’s a high-demand product, everyone is shaven-headed already…..

    I don’t get excited about a new term, I just stay busy naturally. School is now incorporated into my routine, I check the boards a few times every day, read a few pages, do a little Internet searching and taking notes for posts, or papers… what kills me is the quizzes. I only got four out of nine 100%s last course in (A&P I) with Dr. McDaniels, then I also missed six questions (95.9%) on the final comprehensive exam (a three hour quiz. I think that there is plenty of time to look up all the questions, in the book, double check them, read the question searching for key clue words, go through your notes verify the information, eliminated two answers, then pick the best of the two remaining, using eenny-minny-miney mo, and just like that you still miss one or two questions on each quiz. I don’t get it! Of the six course that I’ve taken so far already; two of them are less than 100%... and what happened this term, on the very first A&P2 quiz…I missed a question, oh yeah! Most of the times I think my classmates are missing a few light bulbs…maybe I’m the idiot, I need a new system…
