Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Today is the release date of the newest Goo Goo Dolls CD!  They’re my absolute fav. band in the world!  I pre-ordered mine and am just waiting for it to arrive in the mail!  I can’t wait that long!  Now, that I’ve got the squealing out of the way . . .honestly, I was tempted to put that all in caps.  lol. 

As I said, they’re my fav. band of all time.  I have a copy of every album that they’ve made, even their first album that’s no longer available.  This isn’t just a ‘omg! they’re so cute!’ band crush type of thing.  Their music saved my life.  When I was 16, I was in a really dark time, going through major insomnia, anorexia and anxiety attacks, even thoughts of suicide, everyday.  First time I heard the song “Slide” I cried.  It was such a huge release to hear that someone might actually understand what I was going through and telling me things that I needed to hear.  I immediately bought the album and the only way I was able to sleep at night at all was by listening to the album on repeat til I finally drifted off.  If it wasn’t for their music, I honestly think I would have killed myself.  Ever since then, I’ve been hooked to their music and it’s helped me through some very tough times in my life. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The beginning of the 5th term

The beginning of a new term is always nerve wracking for me.  The work is coming, I know that it’s coming and I get anxious for it to start so that I can hurry up and get it out of the way.  It’s the waiting that gets to me.  Once the term officially starts, I’m rushing through the first few weeks so that I can get ahead in reading, and working on projects and whatnot.  Then I’m fine and actually try to have fun with the material and with the meeting of new classmates and a new professor and all that. 

Anyway, this term I have Diseases of the Human Body and Pharmacology.  Both seem very interesting so far.  Both look to be like a lot of work.  I hope it won’t take me too long to feel like I’ve caught up with everything. 

Good luck to anyone else out there starting another term of school!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Life as a soldier’s wife

No matter how often it happens, it never gets easier to be separated from the one you love.  Hubby is going to be gone for a while and I miss him already. 

Being a soldier’s wife is definitely a tough job.  I don’t think it’s something most people don’t understand until they’ve lived through it.  I certainly didn’t understand it until I started living through it.  Being a wife and mother in general is a full time job but take away your main support and it gets that much more tougher, then throw in the fact that your main support system is being put into a dangerous situation and the stress gets multiplied even more.  I’ve had to live that twice.  Luckily for me this time, my hubby’s only going on a training trip but it still sucks to be apart from each other. 

Don’t worry, I’m not complaining.  I went into the situation fully aware of how things happen when you’re married to a solider.  It’s just too bad most other people weren’t as aware.  Unfortunately, divorce is pretty high in the military.  I hear all sorts of horror stories of how marriages and relationships have fallen apart because of being in the military.  The hubby and I are definitely lucky to still be married and not only love each other still but also still actually like each other.  As cheesy as it sounds, I’m proud to be a soldier’s wife. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The end of my 4th term

It’s kind of sad but it’s already the end of term.  10 weeks always seems like it buzzes by so quickly.  Time always flies, which it really does the older we get.  Remember when we were younger and it felt like forever until it would be Christmas again?  Well, it’s true.  There was a study done a long while back that says time passes more quickly as we get older. 

Anyway, I hadn’t planned on ever doing a blog again but since class had demanded that I do so, I found how much I missed just ranting, raving.  It’s kind of nice to get those jumbled thoughts out of my head and into an actual working idea that I can share, whether anyone reads it or not.  So I’ve decided to continue this little blog.  Anyone who plans to continue their blog, please let me know and I will continue to follow yours. 

Of course, I wish everyone the best of luck in the future.  :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Life without a phone?

A few days ago I was outside with my daughter as she splashed in her kiddy pool.  All it took was a small bump and the phone slips out and drops into the water.  I fished it out as quick as possible but it was too late and it was a goner.  Or so I thought.  A few hours later it had dried up and was working perfectly fine again.  I was so absolutely thrilled that my phone came back to life.  I was so sure it was busted that I had actually called the cell insurance co. and ordered a new replacement.  Luckily, I was able to cancel the claim without any problems. 

If my phone really was dead and I wasn’t getting a replacement for a few days . . .let’s just say life would have been horrible without a cell.  See, a few years ago, the hubby and I got rid of the regular phone line and just stick with cells to save some cash.  My cell is the only link I have to the outside world.  It’s a dramatic thought I know but that’s how it feels.  I was a bit frantic at the idea of not being able to call anyone if I needed help, or just missing the joy of being able to call someone if I just needed to chat with an adult since most days it’s just my daughter and I.  I never realized how much of a literal life line a phone can be.  It’s not just a cell either.  It’s my alarm clock, my schedule, my calendar, my personal reminders.  My husband jokes that it’s my 2nd brain, and most times I have to agree with him.  I don’t know what day it is without my cell phone.  I’m sure I would have survived without a phone for a few days but I don’t think I would have been a happy person.  I never realized how much I’ve come to depend on my cell phone.