Thursday, September 8, 2016

More to the family

It's September and the insanity begins! Summer has ended and school has begun but this year, we decided to add a new challenge to things. Well, actually it's a new family member but not like that. We got a kitty! His name is Ray. I call him Bugger when he's being a little scamp and he's my Love Bug when he's all purrs. He goes from 90 to 0 in seconds from pouncing all over the house to suddenly being a nuisance with his insistence to cuddle. I adore him. I do believe he adores me as he refuses to let me work and keep scratching up my legs when he demands my attention by trying and barely jumping up into my lap. 

I have a full house with a husband, a child, a roommate, a dog and a kitten. I never did like boring.  lol

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