Thursday, February 13, 2014

VD; no, not that one

Valentine's Day is tomorrow.  My husband has already admitted that he has nothing for me.  He's still alive, so no, I haven't killed him.  To be honest, I don't have anything for him for Valentine's Day either so we're pretty even.  Obviously, he hasn't killed me as I'm able to post.  To be fair, I do indeed have a small gift for my child's Valentine's Day gift, so we're not totally heartless jerks like that.

Actually, as you can tell, neither the hubby or I have big expectations for Valentine's Day.  We've been together for 11 years and some years we at least try to have a nice dinner together while other years we exchange small gifts or we just have hot sex together cause that is how we roll.  It works for us and obviously, we're happy together as hence the 11 years together.

I'm actually not one of those people who only considers Valentine's Day as just a made up holiday by the greedy card company corporations but I'm most definitely not one of those people who makes a huge production of the day either.  I might put on a red sweater, I might put a cut out of a heart on the door or fridge, I may pass out Valentine's Day cards or I might not even notice what day it is.  As a teenager, when I'd see couples who would give each other these expensive gifts to swear their forever love just to break up the next week, I ignored the insanity of it and would sometimes buy a brand new coloring book with a brand new pack of crayons and just color.  It was extremely relaxing and a past time that I still enjoy with my daughter though not just on Valentine's Day.  I kind of figure if it's your thing, enjoy Valentine's Day.  It's sometimes to look forward to after the cold weather of the winter but spring isn't quite ready to bloom and helps boosts the economy with all the random gift buying because who doesn't enjoy a small present every so often?  Honestly, a holiday that reminds us to show some affection to the ones we care about is okay in my book.  Granted, that's something that should happen every so often but I see nothing wrong with an innocent holiday like Valentine's Day.

On the other hand, Valentine's Day has broken up couples though.  Some people have these notions that it's supposed to be this super romantic night and when it doesn't happen, there's blame and break up.  Honestly, if a couple breaks up over something like a simple holiday gone wrong, they weren't meant to be anyway, whether there were already underlying issues between the two or because they find out they have different opinions of lifestyles and such.

My advice for Valentine's Day is take it for what it is--do something small to show the people around you that you care for them.  If you want to do something big for that special person, talk to them about it to make sure you're on the same page as each other and come up with something that both parties are happy to do or not do together.  If you don't have a special someone, do something in general to help your fellow people such help a neighbor, volunteer your time at an animal shelter or something small to pamper yourself.  So, enjoy Valentine's Day, cause there's no reason to be a heartless jerk.

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