Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Winter blues

Yes, for the first time in my remembered life, I have the winter blues.  When winter is ready to make way for spring, I'm usually ready at the same time.  It's Feb. The groundhog has predicted another 6 weeks of winter.  The cold season is in fact still hitting us with ice, snow, temperature drops and more of it.  I'm sooo ready now for it to be done.  It's like the cold weather is trying to make up for the last 10 years of really light winter fall.

On the plus side, the last snowfall was at least wet snow and not the powdery snow.  Traffic-wise not the best but for snowman making, it's a blast!  My daughter has been begging to make a snowman since we've been back in PA.  We finally got the right kind and we made the best of it by making her snowman just over 6 ft tall!
(Yes, this is a picture taken by me!)

It was nice to be able to enjoy it while we could cause tomorrow it's just ice.  Another day of school off for her likely.  My husband might be forced to call off work.  I'm going to have to scramble to make up for another day of idle time.  I might just have to give up and drink a hot chocolate.   I suggest anyone reading this, make sure your chocolate supply is still good cause I made sure mine is stocked up!

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