Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Challenging more

I was doing so well for a long while with posting regularly and on time but then I just fell off the bandwagon. This posting has been a good indicator of how far along or how far behind I feel with my general goals. If things are on time, I'm right on schedule with this little blog of mine but if I feel like I'm falling behind, the timing gets all screwy. Obviously, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything that's been happening.

For the past several weeks, I've been on overdrive with trying to get everything done. My daughter finished school last month and now we're just waiting to get information about her new school since we decided to switch her out of public school and into a charter school. It's been interesting trying to parent a preteen with the trappings of modern life. My house is a mess and I'm still dealing with insurance trying to get everything ready so that things might finally progress along. The weather has been up and down with thunderstorms every 4 days and just recently there was a heat wave, which made working in a warehouse so much fun. At this point, I don't think I know any other speed besides ludicrous speed. I honestly can't believe that it's already July. The year is halfway through and I feel like I've barely got anything done.

Of course, it's not enough and I have to add another thing to my to do list. I've been learning lettering and focusing on brush lettering and calligraphy. Luckily, that was indeed one of my things to learn this year so I'm ahead on that, slightly. To keep practicing, I decided to start up a challenge for the month of July. It's a lettering/journaling/doodling challenge on the topic of Harry Potter. Of course, I'm focusing on lettering this challenge. It's been fun so far. I'm hoping it'll be another thing that I can say that I completed this year.

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