I'm still here and still not sure what to do with this blog. I feel I should do something productive with it but I honestly have no idea as what that might be. I've continued journaling and that has helped with making sure my head doesn't feel too full with excess emotions. My planner continues to give me a great boost in productivity. I'm not sure what else I need after that.
I don't have much going on right now as I'm a bit busy dealing with life issues. I woke up a few days ago to a loud boom, in which a guy ran the stop light in front of my house, hit a van in the cross traffic which sent the van into my front door and the car into my car. I don't even have words on what a mess things have been and still are. The weather has just been crazy for the past several weeks with barely just a day or two of sunshine before rain and cloudiness settles in. I love the rain but I'm a bit sick of it at this point. I need some nice weather to stick around for a while.
It's the the last full week of May. Next week starts the month of June so before I even knew it, summer is just around the corner and I am so not ready. It seems the weather decided to just skip spring and go straight into the hot season. It's super hot or super rainy with not much else so far but hopefully we can sneak in a few nice days in between.
I'm going to make it my mission to enjoy this summer though. Spring was a wash in many ways but I'm determined to try my best to turn things around. We may not have major plans to go anywhere but we can still enjoy time together as a family and see friends again.
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