Wednesday, November 9, 2016

2016 . . .is it over yet?

This is my piece on the election this year, its results and any future events because of these recent events. I'm going to state this now that I don't vote for a very personal reason. I don't vote because I cannot handle the idea that my vote could be responsible for putting someone into office who might send off people I know and care about to die for something that I don't believe in. You're free to stop readin my post if you feel that I"m not allowed to have an onion on any election every because of this choice.

I'm not surprised at the results because right now we live in a nation being run on fear and willful ignorance. We live in a nation where athletes are paid millions of dollars and people like teachers make just enough to get by. Actors and people like Kardashians are held up as heroes while doctors and nurses are overworked. Money is more important in cases of rising college tuition costs than making sure our kids are getting the best education possible. Topics such as equal pay are somehow still issues that need to be discussed. We live in a nation where its a question of who, either the government or the guy who just decided to grab her, has control over a woman's own body. We live in a nation in which people believe they have the right to tell other people who they're allowed to fall in love with, whether it affects anyone else or not.
All of these things hurt my soul, so here is what I think and feel. I'm going to keep doing what I always do--I'm going to do what's right, which isn't always what is easy. I'm going to keep recycling every bit I can so that it's one less item in the landfill. I'm going to treat everyone I meet with respect, dignity and an open mind no matter their color, religion or who they voted for or not voted for. I'm going to help whoever I can. I will be there for my fellow man and woman. I'm going to hope that we learn to do better in the future. I'm going to hope that the lessons due to the repercussions of right now will not have too heavy of a cost. I will have hope for myself and for you.
That is all. Let's get back to life now.

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