Friday, August 7, 2015

Anti-Social Media

Social Media is an obsession of the First World. News travels through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and whatever else app that someone has downloaded and is now passing among their friends.

Yes, I use social media. I'm primarily a Facebook user. I have a Twitter account but I rarely use it. I have never signed up for Instagram and though I was invited into Google Plus, I never bothered with that either. It's a bit too much for me to be constantly signed into such things. I don't particularly care what each person is doing minute to minute. You have a fairly interesting update in your life that you feel you need to share then I'm more than willing to lend a few minutes of my time or you have something that's funny and silly to share then let's chuckle together. I don't understand the need to constantly post 300 selfies a day or 300 updates a day about the food you just ate or how the pencil broke or how you just suck at life in general. It is a great way to keep in touch with people you don't see on a daily basis though and I'm all for that. 

I could go on about things but instead I'll share this link--

Social media is a powerful tool. It's like drinking--a little bit is good, too much and it makes you look like a douche. Please use social media responsibly. 

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