Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Marriage is Marriage

So finally, America is dragged into the current world and people are allowed to marry who they want to marry, whether gay or straight. It's about bloody time is my attitude.

Of course, there are the naysayers and their views are narrow-minded and judgmental. Marriage is just one man and one woman and that by by allowing a man to marry another man and a woman to marry another woman, it is ruining the sanctity of marriage. Do you know what ruins the sanctity of marriage? People who get married when they are high and drunk only to divorce or annul it months, weeks, days, even hours later. The worst thing about this are child brides and child grooms. There are children who are married off to another child of similar underage or a much older person for the price of a cow or the price of one less mouth to feed in a large family living in a poor country. There are those who want to use the Bible argument. I'd like to point out that that same section of Leviticus states that women are unclean and should not be touched during their monthly womanly visitor. Are there any groups of people who truly follow this? The point is that you can't follow one section of a Bible passage and not follow the other. There are no indicators that tell us which lines are more important than other lines especially if a person is going to tote the Bible as the Word and only Word. 

I find it funny that for a country that prides itself on personal freedom people sure do love telling other people what they are not allowed to do. Personal freedom is just that it's on each person. It gives each person the right to basically live their life as they choose so long as they follow the laws of the land and do not harm others. It does not give the right to impose your own thoughts and beliefs onto another person no matter how the right or wrong they believe them to be. A person can choose to listen or not. That's it. Live and let live, that is the lesson. Marry and let marry, that is all. 

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