Friday, April 17, 2015

Star Wars, once more!

Star Wars, as for many, was the first intro I got into the world of Sci-Fi and fantasy and from that moment then on I was hooked. I used to have the original trilogy almost completely memorized. It used to be that you give me a line and I could tell you who said it, which movie, what was happening in scene and what the next line would be. I could hear that iconic opening music and my butt would be planted in front of whatever screen was playing it for the entire time.

My love of Star Wars has never ended and as I grew I found the comics and books. My passion never waivered from the Expanded Universe. I read everything I could get my hands on. I even bought and played the card game when it came out.

When the Prequels came out at the time when I was in high school, of course I was excited as a Star Wars fan girl. Sadly, as the next two movies played out, I became disillusioned with how the storylines were portrayed. The directing was less than stellar and some of the actors weren't he best fit. It was disappointing but I still happy to have more official plot lines in the Star Wars universe and just just speculation. 

The latest gossip is, of course, the newest trailer for Star Wars The Force Awakens. The first trailer was left entirely to speculation and skeptics. I withheld judgement. I'm unsure how much of the principal photography was done or of how much principal editing was done for the movie at that time, but it was obvious, not enough was ready excpet for a trailer to show off a few of the CGI & FXs that had been done. This second trailer, most definitely revealed a whole lot more with a revealing of actual storyline and welcome view of beloved storylines. 

It's exciting, yes, but I still withhold judgement though. Once again, there's nothing but speculation and I'm unwilling to once again fall into that temptation. I am weary of where the story and character lines might trail to. I can't help wanting the Expanded Universe, most especially The Dark Empire trilogy of Timothy Zahn's novels. The plot lines from those novels were an amazing jump start to see how the Rebellion would grow into the Republic of the Galaxy. As I said though, I'm on the fence of things and for now, that's where I'll sit til the actual release but of course, you know where I'll be this Christmas. 

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