Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Colors of humanity

So racism is a big issue lately, but saying it that way is a fairly big understatement. Racism is a recurring issue but with recent events with police shootings and riots, it's become more prevalent as of lately. Racism should not be an issue. It should have never been an issue. I can't change the past but the present is being worked on and the future is a work in progress. Racism should not still be an issue. 

It disgusts me that racism is still brought in as an issue that people still feel the need that it should be discussed. The questions of how did this person overcome so much despite the judgement on the color of their skin are inane. Why can't the question be based simply on the person's experience as a human being? What does it matter if one person is African American, Asian American, Native American or Caucasian American? What is so wrong with just being American? We all live in this country together. We all work in this country together. In fact, what does it matter that one person lives across the earth or just next door. We're all human. Whether you believe that God put us on this earth or we evolved from an undiscovered ancestor, we're here now. What does it matter what color their skin is? The question might as well be how did the color of their hair distract from their ability to do their best. It's pointless. 

I make jokes that I'm the token Asian of the group, that I'm Asian so I can fix your phone or that I know kung fu. The point is that they're jokes. It's my way of poking fun at stereotypes at how they make no sense. The truth of the matter is that I can't fix your phone any better than the white kid down the street or the black kid who lives on the other side of town. They likely know more than me, not because they're black or white or blue skinned. They might know more than me cause they just work in the Best Buy cell phone department. I don't know anymore kung fu than what I see on tv or in the movies.  Keanu Reeves knows more kung fu than me. My husband is white so he glows in the dark. I can't lose him after the sun goes down. I love him, simple as that. I will keep making jokes like that because me saying those things don't matter. I don't care that I'm Asian. I don't care my husband is a white. I care that he laughs at my dumb jokes. I care that he supports me in whatever I do. I look at people for what they say. I base my feelings and thoughts on people on what they do to keep their word. People are jerks because they're jerks not because one's skin color is darker or lighter than the other person. People are nice because they go out of their way to help the people around them not because their skin is darker or lighter than another person.

As for the latest, white police officer who shot and killed a black person. I don't care that whether the police officer is white or whether he had green hair. I don't care whether the person who shot was black or pink skinned. My question is what happened. I want to know facts. I want to know what happened. I want to know how the person in question acted in a way that may have come across as aggressive. I want to know what the police officer has done on record of his actions that day that may need to be accounted for. It shouldn't matter what color their skin is or what shoes they're wearing. Maybe names and pictures should be left off record so that the events can focused on. Justice is blind until what happened is revealed and only then can justice be done.

On the riots and protests that become violet, declaring your belief that something is wrong is a right. Destroying property and hurting others around you is wrong. Rioting does nothing except show that you have no control over your own emotions and that the social injustice you cry about means nothing as you give no justice to your own actions.

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