Thursday, November 27, 2014

Social Holocaust

Thanksgiving 2014 is over, and although I did get my holiday shopping done early, there was no rush in our family for Christmas to get here any earlier. Thanksgiving was given its due course with turkey, stuffing and all the dressings. Time was spent with loved ones and bread was broken together while memories of the past were shared and futures were hoped for.

However, it's the present that I believe needs more thought. Lately in the news all I've hearing and seeing has been social unrest--the city of Ferguson riots, another shooting in a public area, insane child abuse cases, discrimination against racism or gender preference and so on and so on. It hurts my heart and soul to hear of these things and it reaffirms my vow to help others as much as I can.

After these events, there are prayer circles and Facebook picture shares of candles posted around. I feel the need to restate the fact that I have nothing against prayer circles and each share of a Facebook pic is a way to bring about awareness of social and political upheavals but it bothers me when people say how heinous such an act and derail against the justice of it all but then do nothing about it. People feel better about themselves and congratulate themselves on the back for having said their piece and then move on with their lives as if nothing happened.

Words do not do enough. Actions add weight and meaning to words whether said in whimsy or not. Don't just pray for a child to get better. If you see a child hurt, help heal the child. If you see a person who looks lonely, spend a few minutes with that person. If you see an unfair deal going on, play evenly, even if it means giving up something of your own to make it fair. If you see something wrong happening, go right it. Mostly importantly of all, use your common sense to make sure your actions are deemed necessary and not as something that will ultimately do harm to another person or simply boost your own ego. Do good for the simple sake of doing good.

And now, I'll leave you with a message I posted to my friends and family yesterday:
Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family. Eat, drink, be merry and remember that there are those who are not as fortunate as we may be.

Be grateful for the times with our loved ones-don't focus on the negativity. Be thankful for the things you do have-because those things might not be there next time. Help others-so that the next time you need help, others may be able to help you. Most important of all, actions are more powerful than words-don't just say it, do something about it and mean it!

I give my thanks for the freedom to say all this, for the family and friends who support me and for the ability to prove myself worthy of those things. Much love to all!

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