Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ramping up!

It's that time of the year for me . . .well, actually about halfway there. We're past Halloween, which was very easy for us this year. Just a few dollar store adds to last year's costume and the daughter became a butterfly. I doubt we'll be so lucky next year.

Anniversary has past with 12 years of marriage together. That's a whole dozen, like an egg carton! We did a sweet celebration of getting new wedding bands as we no longer fit our old ones and had an easy dinner at Red Lobster. Veteran's Day has just past. With so many veterans in our lives including my own husband, much gratitude was spread about and free meals were eaten out with a friend or 2. That day is a double, actually triple, whammy! My daughter was born that day. As all mothers around the world have and will continue to say, she's getting so big! Also, on that day, 2 of our friends got married on that day and so they also had their anniversary.

Coming up is the birthday party for the 7 year old, which is happening on the same day as my own personal birthday.  I only pray my birthday curse will not affect hers. Shortly thereafter, Thanksgiving should not be forgotten about and will, of course, be spent with family.

Of course, next month will be spent gearing up for Christmas Day. Lucky for my personal organization, our holiday shopping is done except for the work of a few handmade items that still need to be finished. Cards will be written up and sent out around the first week of December. Boxes will be mailed out shortly after that. There will holiday parties at school, family and friends.

It's a busy time of the year and I'm getting there to be ready!


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