Tuesday, January 8, 2013

fooey the flu!

Honestly, I have no idea if I spelled that first correctly and I doubt that it's in the dictionary for me to even look up so you'll just have to figure out that one on your own.  hee hee.

Anyway, back to the point, I am still getting over the flu and as you can tell I hate being sick.  It's entirely too inconvenient to be sick--taking medicines, carrying around tissues and all that other business about sick just drives me crazy when I've got things to do and not enough time to waste.  I can deal with a regular cold though.  The flu is an entirely other monster, as I was out for the count for 3 days.  I was just lucky that it hit after Christmas and before or during.  It was entirely unacceptable situation as I couldn't focus on anything.  It felt like my brain was oozing out of my nose and my lungs were being coughed out.  What makes the situation even more unbearable for me was that it took over a week for me to get back into shape.  Feeling better was great but having no energy to do what I knew needed to be done was just horrible for me.  

Also, yes, I just spent this post complaining but to be fair, I'm not often sick so I figure it's not so bad if I want to complain about being sick.  I promise a more interesting post next time.  

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