Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Shoot me now!

So I had a trying week last week.  Not only was my own list of things to do quite extensive with more than the usual things that need to do, there was also on top of all that, things from the left universe came at me so that I had to drop my own stuff.  I could have handled that, as I’ve come to expect situations like that.  What got to me was the utter disrespect that I received for the sacrifices I made on behalf of my family. 

I gave a warning that there is a slight chance I may be a little late to a certain event.  The person took it as I was going to leave them.  I replied that I was not going to do any sort of things, that a previous engagement that I had made weeks before was scheduled right before and that if things ran late a little late it may take me longer to get to the second event.  I was asked to drop it.  I was appalled and told her that I could not do that.  What blew my top was that she took it as me abandoning them for the other person.  I firmly and with a bit of anger in my voice told her that I was not at all leaving them and repeated that I may be a few minutes late.  At that point, I simply walked away as I did not want to let the argument spiral downward.  I went back to my dinner of crappy leftovers and fumed at how I could have been with my family as they ate a decent dinner with the other set of grandparents and I was stuck attending to these people’s needs while they kept demanding more.  As you can image, I was quite fed up.  Though that was the worst of it, the rest of the week continued so that rest was a commodity not to be taken lightly until Friday I was done and stated it to the world that the weekend would be spent only play video games, watching movies and eating ice cream or chocolate. 

Of course, that didn't happen.  In fact, that Sat. I checked off 7 things off my list to do list.  It wasn't til that night that I realized that I’m addicted to being productive.  Those moments that people take to sit down and take a breather, I usually use to actually plan out the next step to my attack plan on my to-do list.  Sad, I know, but it makes me happy to get things done.  

I don't know how to relax.  Even during my supposed down time I'm getting things off my own personal list of things to do--watching that movie that I wanted to see, listening to music as I let my mind try to work through the current writer's block.  Actually, doing something for the simple sake of enjoyment is something that I no longer know how to do though there is one thing that falls under this category and that is archery.  It's the only activity that I have done, in which the entire world falls away and my mind is singularly focused on how far I can pull the bow back and release the arrow so that it hits the target.  

For the sake of the world and my own sanity, I do hope I can buy a bow and arrow soon.  

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