Wednesday, June 30, 2010

that thing called online school

Since I technically started this blog cause of a school assignment, I figured I might actually, you know, post about online school. It was bound to come up sooner or later.

For the most part, I like online school. I like it a whole lot better than traditional classrooms and all that. Seminars are a breeze. I don't have to worry about getting up, getting dressed, driving anywhere. I just hop on my computer and it starts. I get my assignments, work on them throughout the week when I'm not super busy, submit them and I'm done. I love how it's basically self-paced, which is how I learn things best. I like the anonymity of it all. I don't have to worry about what others might think of how I look or worry about making small talk if I don't want to. I can really focus on the heart of the matter, which is the getting of the degree.

I'm trying for an associates degree in medical assisting. It's my first major step into the medical field. The ultimate goal is to become a physician's assistant. I figure work a while as a MA, make sure I like the field, pay off some debts, get the family settled and all that, and then when I can, go back to traditional school to become a PA. I think it seems like a pretty reasonable set of goals.

Right now I'm in my 4th term at Kaplan. I've got A so far in each term so I'm hoping to continue that streak in college composition for the health care professional II and anatomy & physiology II. I have to write a paper in each class. All the researching definitely keeps a person busy. Luckily, I've been working ahead when I can so that I don't feel overwhelmed later on. It's a strategy that I've employed since I started online school and it's worked very well for me to do the research for stuff early on and take my time with the rest of everything else. Anyway, I'm writing my A&P II paper on the kidneys. We had to pick an organ system and/or organ and decided to go with Houses's specialty-the kidneys. House is one of my fav shows ever. I figure that's a good enough reason to pick an organ to research. lol. In my other class I finally decided to go with the health effects of energy drinks. My assumption is that one day we're going to find out these things will cause cancer, cause sooner or later, we find out everything causes cancer. I figure I might actually get some scientific proof that these energy drinks aren't good for the body besides just my judgemental opinion.

School is still definitely a lot of work, especially when it's thrown on top of an already busy life, but in the end I'm sure it'll be worth it. Actually, it better be worth it after the debt I'm going accumulate to get that degree. Curse those student loans!

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