Wednesday, June 9, 2010

& so things begin . . .

Here it is--the first post on my blog. Not a very original thought, I grant you, but a person must start somewhere and the the beginning is usually a very obvious spot.

Let's get to the heart of the matter, which is the reason this blog exists, and, I will admit, that is because it's a class assignment. I've done a blog or 2 before--nothing special, just random wonderings of my mind for friends and family to be able to keep up with my life. And here we go with another one again. I warn you now--I've been told that sometimes my thoughts tend to dapple into the surreal and random and other times my thoughts are so grounded and you want to stick your head into the ground so that you can survive the boringness.

Anyway, for any of my classmates or random people who stumble onto this blog, I hope you find my random smatterings somewhat entertaining and that I haven't been a bore to you just yet. Please read, feel free to comment, poke fun at me if you feel you must. Be warned, I do poke back. :)


  1. That's fine with me, smatter on. I have a similar self-image, maintain it with authority because it's always me, and we don't love ourselves we can't possible love others. A term from Robert A. Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land" GROK was motivation for me in the early 70's, did you read that one yet? Valentine Michael Smith is one of my favorite Martians and went through some of the confusion that we all go through in our formative years, but I am well past that period of development. Now I'm sorta deformed and might be considered slightly degraded from those early attempts at interaction with Earth culture and I am a denizen of this planet, imagine that. But man can I grok!

  2. Sadly enough, I've not read that one but I will definitely put it on my list. This 'grok' phrase definitely sounds interesting! I've dappled on the planet Tralfamadore a bit but my brain tends to go all over the place.
