Wednesday, June 16, 2010

blog, blog, blog

So I've been thinking and thinking about what to put up on this blog and couldn't really come up with anything interesting besides the usual 'I'm alive and this is what I'm doing this week." I know sooner or later, I will become desperate for a topic, not come up with anything and that I will end up putting such a post up but it seemed too soon to put something like that up as just the 3rd post. After a while I ended up just repeating the word blog in my head and had the sudden thought that 'blog' is such a funny word. It comes from 'web log,' which is simple enough.

When you really think about it, the English language is pretty cool. We can make up words just about anytime we want, get enough people to say it and it becomes a new official word or new catch phrase to say. Like I remember a few years back, when Pluto was no longer named a planet, when something got smaller or demoted or something like that, someone would say it was 'plutoed.' I just got a kick out of the fact that something that was once a noun, suddenly became the new verb . . .I know, I'm such a nerd. I loved English in high school and wanted to go into journalism. Leave me alone. Anyway, back to the word 'blog.' Blogs didn't exist several years back so you have to wonder who's bright idea it was to call a web long a blog. It's a funny sounding word. It reminds of 'argh,' like what Charlie Brown ends up yelling in frustration. On a random note, one of my fav words to say is miscellaneous. I don't know why but I like the way my tongue feels when I say that word.

For anyone reading this, any word out there that strikes you as funny sounding or a word that you've just always liked the sound of?

1 comment:

  1. Doodle...just ease your mind, doodle on a piece of paper, maybe play some music, set some atomosphere, then try to think of a topic.
    If that doesn't work use the old FREEWRITE, just write about anything, fast, don't worry about spelling, grammar, write what comes in your mind, even write about not thinking about anything to write about, after about 5 mins just stop and take a deep breath. Then look at stuff you wrote for ideas.

    That should work, but I have a few more ideas you might want to try. Good luck.
