Thursday, December 7, 2017

Year end stretch!

It is December. November was such a crazy blur and December does not seem to be much better.

First off, let's recap the last month. My husband and I had our 15 year anniversary. My daughter had her birthday and we did something fun for Veterans Day for my veteran all in one day. My birthday past and it was good. Thanksgiving was amazing and I'm super proud of the dinner I cooked, especially as it was the first Thanksgiving in our house. I also did finish my writing challenge and I am very proud of myself for doing it. I didn't have as much of a problem fulfilling the prompts as I thought I would have and even though there were a few days in which I was very tired, I did each day. We did get to the Holiday Open House at Mount Hope with my cousin and her family and that was so much fun with the carolers.

This month is going just as crazy. I have been working Sundays for a few hours since last month and I'll likely keep getting roped into that. I just finished my Christmas cards and sent them out yesterday. My daughter had her first chorus concert at an old Quaker Meetinghouse and it was really great being in a building that I had driven by it so many times but had never been inside of it before and to hear my kid as part of the chorus was so wonderful for me. I'm so proud of her.

I need to start wrapping up gifts and such. I still need to finish up stocking stuffers. Cookies must be baked so that I can send off boxes before it gets too late into the holiday season. It is just little more than 2 weeks away until Christmas and I know that I will make it there but not without a lot of stress and worry about making sure everything is on time.

In the insanity that is the my end of year, I have found a jewel that I am obsessed with. I am in love with the Anastiasia the musical and I feel it is very fitting for this time of the year.

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