Wednesday, September 13, 2017


I have read Death Comes to Pemberley. I have restarted reading Pioneer Girl. I beat Mass Effect and its sequel Mass Effect 2. I am contemplating whether I should continue right away into the third game or take a break from PC gaming and finish playing Fire Emblem Awakening. I have watched Porco Rosso and finally re-watched Tales from EarthSea with plans to finally watch the rest of what we have for Studio Ghibli. I have also done random sketches while staying on top of the usual house chores.

I'm honestly quite amazed at how I've stayed on task with almost everything and gotten so much more than I expected done. Using a planner to keep track of work and a personal goals tracker has made all the difference. It's so satisfying to look into my planner every morning, get the job done and be able to cross it off the list everyday. It's an ever better feeling to see that my work is done and that I have time to meet my personal goals and either make progress on them or just straight out finish them up.

It's such a great feeling of accomplishment.

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