Thursday, August 31, 2017

Planning a Plan

When I like something, I usually become obsessed with it. It's an unfortunate/fortunate thing that happens when one is a Scorpio. It's usually a good thing as it actually helps me get things done. Once I start a project, I will baring unfortunate circumstances will finish it.

Of course, I'm obsessed with planning by using planners and notebooks. I adore my Recollections planner as I use it to keep track of work, specifically household related chores, appointments and dated activities. I enjoy using my personal goal tracker notebook as it helps me take better care of myself from making sure I'm drinking water everyday to reminding myself to take time for myself. My next plan is get to get a traveler's notebook. I need an expense tracker that I can carry with me at all times. I can only use it to put in lists of things that need to be done while I am out.

I do have Ipad mini 4, which I still use to carry it with me around everywhere but being able to write things down helps me remember more things that need to be done. Apps also have a way of no longer being available to continuous use, which is highly annoying and utterly inconvenient. Paper and pen does not ever get out of use. Also, I have hope that once my current personal goal tracker book no longer has any pages to use at the end of this year, I may be able to add it as an insert into my traveler's notebook to condense the actual amount of separate books to carry around.

It's all about progress and a living system that I can use and adapt for my ever changing pace of life.

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