Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Time's a ticking, along with my heart

I'm a mother and that means I care too much which also translates to pushing too hard. I know that sometimes I'm too harsh. Honestly, there's no excuse. I need to learn to curb my ire and phrase things in a kinder way.

I have to learn to control my frustration. It comes from seeing people, especially those I care about, not doing the best they can. I have a real difficulty not understanding people who aren't motivated to do what is best for them. If you complain about being out of shape or overweight then do something about it. Sitting down in front of the computer for 8 hours of the day is not helping you lose weight. Going for a walk does. Effort is something that you need to give to achieve anything so if you don't put effort into things it makes no sense to complain if you are not achieving anything. Complaining does nothing but waste my time. Wasting time is a huge pet peeve of mine. I have to learn to give people time though. I have to learn to be more patient. Not everyone has had the same experiences that I did to learn such a lesson. 

I'm a mama. I want what's best for everyone. I just need to remember that giving someone time to learn something is not a waste of my time. 

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