Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Education takes more than 1

I had an appointment to go to my child's parent/teacher conference.  To be honest, I don't feel it's very relevant for me to go to this particular meeting.

Don't get me wrong and believe that I have no concern for my child's education.  I volunteer to help in my child's classroom every so often, put money into fund raisers and such and try to come to all the little special programs.  I'm not an official home room parent but I'm there a good bit of the time.  Also, I talk with my kid.  I ask her how her day went, what she did during different times, who she plays with sometimes.  I'm involved with my best effort to not be smothering at the same time.  

With that fact established, my kid is in kindergarten so I'm not really sure what more can be said besides what has already been said to me about her, her attitude and her education and for the record and nor am I trying to brag or exaggerate, I only ever hear good things about my daughter.  

I went to this parent/teacher conference, not for my benefit but for the betterment of my kid.  I do feel it's important to be involved and you either are in or not.  For my kid, I'm there for her always.  It takes a community to raise a child so here I, as a parent, talk to the teacher of my child.

Plus, it's always great to hear how awesome my kid is.

proud parent!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's my blog and I'll cry if I want to

If there is anyone who actually reads this, feel free to ignore my post.  I'm going to take advantage of the fact that this is my blog and gripe about my own life.

I'm not perfect.  I have never claimed to be anything near perfect and I do not even try to be perfect.  I do however try my best in everything I do and try to always do the right thing.  In my life, that gets thrown into my face, that I try to be perfect and that I throw my perfectionism into people's faces.  

Example, as of today:  I fell into a really bad cold last week and I'm actually still dealing with the congestion with bouts of a dry throat that lead into coughing fits.  It knocked me out last week so I still get easily tired but I do my best to trudge on.  Life doesn't stop just because I fall il.  I have always had problems falling asleep so it's always been difficult for me to wake up on time in the mornings.  With the lingering side effects of being sick mornings are even rougher.  My husband has always been an early riser though so he usually takes it upon himself to get up and makes sure our 6 year old gets to the bus stop on time.  He usually encourages me to sleep in when I can because he knows there are nights that even though I lay there 8 hours I am still unable to fall asleep.  Today he got up with her.  No problem until she comes home from school wearing just a short sleeve shirt when it is no more than 40 degrees outside.  I get so angry about this for several reasons.  She should have known to keep that sweater on.  I know she had gym and I have no problems with her taking her sweater off during gym class but I harp on her all the time about staying warm so she doesn't get sick so she should have known to keep that sweater on afterwards.  Hubby should have known that his daughter is just like him and she will take her sweater off at the drop of a hat.  It's something he gripes at her right along with me, even if he doesn't always do so himself too.  He defends that she should have known better but I throw at him the fact that he is an adult, he knows the situation and should have made a better judgement call and just gone with a long sleeve shirt on the child to avoid her coming home with sniffles and coughs.  Instead of accepting his partial responsibility, he throws at me that if I want to avoid the situation then I should just wake up on time myself and make sure the child is dressed to my specifications.  

My feelings on this are anger, disbelief and acceptance that people's emotions are important to them than their logic.  I am angry at the fact that this situation repeats itself on a daily cycle.  I love taking care of my child but for her to fall into sickness as soon as I get her feeling better is just demoralizing.  There is disbelief at the situation happening again.  I don't want to see the cycle repeating itself and yet, here we go again.  The acceptance is the fact that even though people, even my hubby, say that even though I can't do everything myself, when I try to allow others to step in and when things go wrong, fingers are pointed right back at me and they demand why I haven't already fixed things.  It hurts when this situation happens all too often and it just reaffirms the fact that I can't rely on anyone but myself to get things done but that is my lot in life. I can do nothing else but accept it.  

It doesn't change.  If things are going to get done I must do it myself as there is no guarantee anyone will do it but whether it's my responsibility or not, the blame will fall on me.  No point in crying about it but I'm allowed to complain every so often.