Tuesday, October 1, 2013

serenity of mind

I once tried to count the stream of thoughts that constantly run through my head.  I actually got up to about 16 and decided to stop as it seems like my brain continues to work on levels that even I'm not completely aware of.  I have scenes of movies or tv shows that constantly play through random scenes, bits of music from different genres that like to make themselves known along with random melodies that  my mind is making it up come out of nowhere.  There are of course random passages from books and stories that like to stream right with the different flashes of stories that I'm personally working on.  I don't even have a number of how many observations I've apparently made of people and their actions and never realized I had paid attention to at all.  That's just the background thoughts.  There's the constant planning of budgeting, to dos, preparations and contingencies.  I've been known to multitask 7 things at a time and not drop the ball of quality at all.

No wonder I'm a pretty severe insomniac.  I can't shut off my brain.  Switch off one thought for it to just be replaced with another and it's a never ending process.  Like any other beast, music seems to tame my mind.  It doesn't turn it off but the right music can speed it up and even slow it down.

Just to share, here's one of my current favs:

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