Friday, March 29, 2013

Dream within a dream

Cause that's how I feel. I recently just finished writing my second novel.

That's right second. I did indeed write a first novel, which if I could have my own way, it would never see the light of a printer. It was a story that I needed to get out of my system--part personal fantasy, part semi-auto graphical, part confession. It was therapeutic to get out of my system, even if it took forever to get out, almost 10 years. Once it was done though, it was like lifting a burden off my chest and I was able to move on.

My recently finished second novel took just under 2 years to write. It could most likely be considered a young adult fantasy novel. I adore the story, the characters and the plot. At this point, it needs major editing. I plan on taking a break for a week or more or less to try and catch up on other projects such as finish up a crochet project or 2, play a video game or 3 or even just catch up with some DVD that need to be watched. I doubt I'll actually wait too long before I jump back into the project but maybe a different path on the creative mind scape will appear so I certainly never know what my brain will throw at me. Once the major editing is done, I'll actually allow, maybe even encourage, others to read my work. Hopefully, they can give me some honest critique that will help improve my story in anyway possible. The last step is to actually send out queries to book agents and publishers. I have no idea if my story is good enough but I want to try.

So my dream of writing is just one step in a bigger dream of being published. As they say, go big or go home.

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