Saturday, December 15, 2012


It's happened again.  A person decided to shoot up a public place but this time it was at an elementary school.  Again, too many lives were lost, too soon.  My thoughts and prayers go out to those families.  It makes me sad; it makes me angry.  I can only imagine what those people are going through.  I wish them the ability to heal but to never forget the ones they love.

Of course, everything on the news is who did this, why did he do it, what about gun control and so on.  I can understand these questions, but I can't help but think the more pressing matter is how can we prevent this.  This sort of thing happens all too often.  I can’t even count how many times this has happened in the past year or so, but I know it would at least use up all the fingers on one hand & that fact alone is more than enough tragedy. 

I could go on more about tragic events but it’s not necessary.  I’m done talking; I’m going to do.  I donate what I can to the Red Cross, as I usually do.  On a more personal level, when I see someone who needs help, I’m going to help.  When I see someone who’s having a bad day, I’m going to offer a word of support.  Sometimes, just an offer of kindness makes all the difference.  

Sunday, December 9, 2012

seriously, who needs a bucket?

It's a poignant question, is it not?  Well, it is if you realize that I'm talking about the proverbial bucket list--you know, the list that people create of things they want to do, places they want to go to & people they want to meet.

I find it ironic that some people need to know that their lives are ending before they can finally allow themselves to really live, but then again at that point what do you have to lose?  I suppose that's the kicker though.  Fear controls us all.  Most people fear death more than anything and I can understand that.  Not knowing what's ahead of you and leaving the ones you live behind are scary things to face. 

I'm an odd duck though.  I don't fear death and no, that does mean I seek it or welcome it whenever it will come for me.  I'll fight tooth and nail to stay alive but it's not cause I'm afraid of dying but cause I got too much to live for.  The clincher for me is that I'm more afraid of not living.  

We're given only so much time in this mortal realm with opportunities to try so many different things.  How can a person keep doing the same things over and over again and not want to experience the world around them?  Yeah, I get there are things out there that we don't want to deal with but if you don't try it, how can you know for sure you won't like it?  It may indeed hurt, make you sad and force you through a whole host of negativity but what if the good outweighs the bad, how will you learn to overcome if you don't give it a shot?  Honestly, I never feel more alive than I do when I'm seeing, feeling, hearing, tasting or touching something I've never had the opportunity to experience before.  

So, I want to live.  I'm tired of waiting for people who say they want to do things but never actually get off their bums to do it.  Seriously, they waiting for written invitations or something?  Cause when death comes knocking on your door, I very much doubt you sent pretty stationery out for that sort of party.  So screw them.  Some things I'll may ask for others to join me but for the most part, I'm absolutely willing to go solo if I need to.  

Talk all you want, people.  I'm going to do.  Honestly, now that I'm thinking about it, I know too many people who just talk & only talk on how they want to do 'this', or go 'there', but 'this' makes it so I can't go. I think of something, I plan it out and then I do.  Cause what's the point of talking about doing something if you're not going to do it?  I'm no longer waiting around to hear your excuses.  

The hard part is that I want to do so much.  I need a plan, so I'm grabbing a notebook and I'm going to keep track of the typical experiences that people are supposed to have and also have a list of things that are reachable at a good time period but also have a list of things that aren't as typical that I can strive for.  The goal is to try to do at least 2 things off any of the lists every month, whether it be big or small.  It can be something as simple as try a food that I've never eaten before, to taking a trip to a store in the area that I've just never been to, to learning to speak Irish, to even planning how I'm finally going to Laos or Egypt.  

And no, I'm not dying.  I'm alive and healthy.  I don't need to get to that point to start living.  My bucket isn't going to be kicked for a long time but I'm going to fill it up so that when I get to that point that I'm close to dying, I want to able to say, "Yeah, I did that and came out of it with an awesome story about it."  Then I'll kick it over so that it spills over all around you and you can see that I lived.  I want to live now and I will, so I don't need that bucket.  But anyone who wants to borrow, you're welcome to it.

So I'm going to think of my list.  It may take me a while to come up with everything I want to do and I know that it'll never be completely finished but as long as I keep working on it, well, that's life.  Heh heh.  

Saturday, December 1, 2012

crafty I am!

Usually I try to post on Tuesday at least every 2 weeks.  Obviously, I failed at that as it's Sat.  In my defense, it is the holiday season.  I'm in the process of finishing up holiday shopping, or in several cases, crafting holiday gifts.  I usually try to keep a similar theme for groups of people that my family is passing out gifts to and for family members they will be receiving homemade gifts from the child, helped by me.  Here's hoping they like it!  I figure you can't go wrong with something made by hand & out of love and all that. . .well, if it is wrong, the person will feel too guilty to say anything.  hee hee.  Yeah, I'm evil like that.

Not only are we doing handmade gifts for Christmas, but I've been crocheting scarves, will hopefully make a few afghans, finish up a cross stitch or 2, plus I got plans to make a few costumes for next year's Halloween.  Yeah, it's early but as I'm sewing together 3 different costumes, I'll need all the time I can get.  But I'm not spilling any secrets about that quite yet.  hee hee.  

In the mean time, I thought I'd share some links to some awesome crafting sites.  