Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Twinkle, twinkle, little vampire, how I wish you weren’t here at all

I finally caved in and I read it.  I read the Twilight series books.  It was about what I expected. 

IT WAS COMPLETE AND UTTER DRIVEL!  The characters had no depth.  The plot was completely predictable. 

The reason I read them was to try to understand them.  This twilight stuff is all over books and the movies are hugely selling and I just couldn’t understand what seemed so interesting about them.  Finally, I had to find out. 

I wish I hadn’t bothered.  There was nothing redeeming about the books whatsoever!  The characters are no role models.  They have no depth to them.  The girl, the main character, is shallow, insecure, downright dumb, pathetic really.  The vampires are quite downright weak.  Honestly, they sparkle in sunlight?!  They have venom?!  The plot was boring.  There was nothing interesting at all.  It was mind-numbing.  I have to stop.  I could go on and on about how horrible these books are. 

I don’t get it!  I don’t see the appeal.  It makes me want to burn something, burn sparkling vampires.  This is what girls read and dream about?  Have they nothing solid in their heads?  There were no morals, no themes, no depth. 

It makes me determined, to write my novel.  That’s the only good thing that will come from my having read these detestable stories. 

Do you know what the sad part about this is?  I am now going to force myself to watch the movies.  It’s more continued research.  I’m curious as to how this crap translates onto the big screen.  It seems like any decent book gets smashed to bits to be put into a 2 hour movie.  A simple thing like probably gets adapted quite well into a movie though. 

Honestly, cry for me.  I fear I will have no strength afterwards to do so for myself. 

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