Thursday, October 28, 2010

Anyone still here?

I had planned on being fairly diligent with this blog and posting every Wed. but as anyone can tell, that obviously hasn’t been happening.  It’s not like anyone is likely reading this blog anymore since the class that started this blog ended last term and it’s now the end of another term.  I just happen to like doing this, being able to put down my random thoughts. 

Anyway, another term has ended.  I knocked out all 3 of my finals last night and I got an A on all of them.  I’m quite proud of myself.  I’m actually pretty on top of things right now.  I’ve started writing out Christmas cards already so all I have to do is write a quirky message in one and mail it off when it’s time.  I finished a nice afghan for my parent’s for their Christmas present (which I can freely put up here cause my parents don’t speak English very well and so don’t get on the internet at all).  I had made pillows for my nieces and nephew and mailed them off months ago, which their mother is now holding.  I’ve almost got all birthday and Christmas gifts lined up for my daughter.  There’s a tentative plan in place on what to get my husband for Christmas, which depends on a few different factors.  My husband is supposed to paint something for his parents, which I do hope will work out cause I don’t really have a backup idea for them.  I’m at a lost to what to get for the actual niece and nephew, which my husband says not to even bother but I don’t feel it’s right to punish the kids for the parent’s un-actions.  Honestly, that’s not bad at all, for not even being Halloween yet. 

I’d have to say that I’ve earned the next 2 weeks off, but let’s face it, I’m a workaholic.  Any vacation ends up being a working vacation.  My goals for this vacation—watch the last season of Gilmore Girls on DVD, watch season 6 of House on DVD and if I can squeeze it in, watch an anime series or 2.  In between all of that I’ll continue the holiday shopping, writing out Christmas cards, taking care of the house, various activities with my daughter and whatever other random project that tickles my fancy.  Of course, I’ll blog too. 

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