Wednesday, July 14, 2010

the sketchbook project

In my wanderings of the jumbled mass called the internet, I happen to stumble upon an interesting thing being done called the sketchbook project.
Basically, for $25, they send you a sketchbook.  You pick a theme beforehand and you then fill the sketchbook up with your artwork.  You send it back to them and it becomes part of this library of sketchbooks that goes on an art exhbit tour.  People can visit this art exhibit to look through all these sketchbooks that people have done and even check out the sketchbooks like a library. 

I think it's a pretty nifty idea.  It gets you to be creative, which is always a good thing.  It's an interesting way of getting your art out there into the world.  I don't in any way consider myself an artist but I like to dapple in doodling.  I think it might be fun to do.  I haven't quite decided whether I'm going to do it but I may bring it up with my husband and art is his passion.  I think it's something anyone should consider doing. 

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