Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Stuff and nonsense

Despite the date being a day late, it is just after midnight for the date to change to the next day but I have not slept for the night so this post is not late! Also, for once, I have a topic that I want to discuss.

I’d like to say that I’m like any other person who likes their stuff but it’s not completely true. I do like stuff and I like collecting stuff but at the same time I could honestly leave behind like 75% of my possessions. I would feel sad about not having those items but for the most part, it wouldn’t take me long to simply move on without them. There are certain items that I would have a really hard time letting them go but the majority of it wouldn’t be a problem to me.

I know that stuff is simply stuff. It’s great to have while I’m here but I can’t take it with me in the end so I try not to get worked up over things too much. Most of it can be replaced. What I do have must have meaning for me. It has to have a memory or function, preferably both. I don’t want something just for it to sit in a dark box for me to never see it, so every few months, I purge things. If I don’t have use for it, I find a new home for it. Preferences change so things around me must be changed to reflect that.

My decorating style is a reflection of this as I lean towards simple, clean designs. I don’t like feeling cluttered. I like space and organization. Having too much stuff around makes me feel chaotic and out of control. To me, it feels like stuff and nonsense! That is all!

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