Tuesday, March 27, 2018

For every page there is a turn . . .

I've had this blog for the past 8 years and been fairly diligent with it. It started out as a class assignment and I just kept it going for no particular reason than my own amusement. I know no one reads this and I'm perfectly happy with that. It's just a spot to occasionally put down my thoughts without worrying about who might find this. If someone does stumble along this, well, there isn't really anything all that interesting on here. I think it might be time to move on though. Having this blog prevents me from journaling in an old fashioned notebook and I miss using a pen to do so. It's definitely more convenient to type out my words as there are times when my hand can't keep up with my brain but it's slightly less satisfying and I'm trying to move on from always convenient to more mindful. I still need to consider this some more though. For anyone, who does see this in the mean time, I hope you have a great day cause that's all I've got for now.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Stuff and nonsense

Despite the date being a day late, it is just after midnight for the date to change to the next day but I have not slept for the night so this post is not late! Also, for once, I have a topic that I want to discuss.

I’d like to say that I’m like any other person who likes their stuff but it’s not completely true. I do like stuff and I like collecting stuff but at the same time I could honestly leave behind like 75% of my possessions. I would feel sad about not having those items but for the most part, it wouldn’t take me long to simply move on without them. There are certain items that I would have a really hard time letting them go but the majority of it wouldn’t be a problem to me.

I know that stuff is simply stuff. It’s great to have while I’m here but I can’t take it with me in the end so I try not to get worked up over things too much. Most of it can be replaced. What I do have must have meaning for me. It has to have a memory or function, preferably both. I don’t want something just for it to sit in a dark box for me to never see it, so every few months, I purge things. If I don’t have use for it, I find a new home for it. Preferences change so things around me must be changed to reflect that.

My decorating style is a reflection of this as I lean towards simple, clean designs. I don’t like feeling cluttered. I like space and organization. Having too much stuff around makes me feel chaotic and out of control. To me, it feels like stuff and nonsense! That is all!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Madd for March

It's March! I can hardly believe it! This is just a few days late and going to be another update.

February blew by in a breeze. It's the shortest month of the year but I don't think any of us expected it to go by that fast. InCoWriMo is finished and I completed my version of it by writing at least 2 letters a week. In total it was 10 letters and I have already received 2 replies. Next year I'm doing it the right way and will write a letter everyday.

I came up with the idea of a reflection journal. My plan is that there will be an overall theme for the year that I want to focus on and then for each month there will be a theme that I need to work on as a person that will fit in the year's overall focus. I'm going to figure out at least 3 things on how to work on that subject and then journal a bit about why it's important for me to work on this particular topic., I'm going write a bit whether I feel if I fulfilled those 3 points too. I was kind of already doing this since the beginning of the year in my mind so I figured it was about time I simply put it down on paper. I'm just glad that I finally figured out a use for the Tototo notebook and pet set the hubby had given me so long ago.

I'm not sure if I'm going to have a big project for March yet. I still have a tiny bit of time to figure it out.