Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Day in the life of Vlogger (not me)

I never thought I'd be a vlog watcher but I am now subscribed to a few channels on Youtube and one of them is a vlogger. I didn't start out like that. I've always used youtube to stream music as I like the videos that go along with the music or I want to look at the lyrics as I'm listening to the song. I use it to watch the occasional funny video that has been recommended to me along with movie trailers, movie scenes and such but that's all I ever thought I'd use Youtube for. Obviously, planning as a hobby is a big thing so I've gotten into really watching a few channels on it from putting stickers into an Erin Condren life planner, bullet journal spreads and pen supply hauls. Following the links I found one of those planners who vlogs and now I'm subscribed into watching her talk about her life. It's kind of a nice thing as an introvert to get to know someone without having to worry about replying. It's interesting to see how different people live their lives and that's it from me so here she is.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

A balancing act

So obviously I have been obsessed with my planning and notebook system. It's keeping me organized and I have been doing extremely well with getting almost everything I want done. It's also teaching me a lot about myself. It's really made me pay attention to my own habits, what motivates me and made me really aware of how long it actually takes to get certain tasks done. It's also shown me how much more I can get done if I set my mind to it and how important it is to make time for myself. It's even shown me what type of person I am.

I have learned that I am an extroverted introvert. I was aware of the fact that I have a tendency of hermitting myself for a good period of time especially during times when I'm feeling stressed. I wasn't aware of how long these periods would last or how often I would do so. Through keeping track of how much or how little I socialize I realized that I have no problems going days and even weeks without speaking to someone not in my household or from work. Seeing that trend made me realize that even speaking with the few that I speak to everyday I still need an intense amount of alone time before and after. I relish the daytime when my husband and daughter are at work or at school so that I have the entire day to get what I need done on my own. I'm very happy when get home and I greet them both with hugs and kisses at their arrival, then I head to work and I'm happy with chat cheerfully with anyone I see but then I'm more than happy to get home so what when my husband goes to bed I have time to myself to work on whatever I want or just to relax by myself. 

Reading and writing and are intensely solitary actions for me and I get extremely annoyed when I'm interrupted. Listening to music is also an intensely personal thing for me. I like working in my planner and notebooks in my quiet time and even going through paperwork that needs to be done. Once I get my fill of my alone time, I'm more than ready to socialize, talk and laugh about anything and everything. I'm quite well known to not know when to shut up and I'm usually the one with an interested anecdote to share.

The best thing I've learned so far with using my planner and notebooks is that I'm most happy when things are balanced now that I know what sort of balance I need.