Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I'm a geeky girl!

So the last several posts I have done have all been about how I have so little to do and so much time . . .strike that, reverse that, thank you for your time. I've also gone at least 2 weeks before remembering to post something. Lucky for me, that it's only 2 days late and even better that I have something, what I hope to be, more interesting, or at the very least to be more amusing, to converse about.

I'm not your typical female. I don't just fall for a pretty face. I'll admire the artwork but I'll withhold judgement on whether more is warranted or not. Traits that are much more important to me, and in no particular order, are kindness, empathy, intelligence, curiosity, a good sense of humor, loyalty. I'm more likely to find the person sitting in the corner alone and try to engage them into conversation than to immediately sit in the center of a room to demand attention of the person who already has so much of it. With that being stated, it shouldn't come to a surprise that I don't develop crushes on the typical celebrities that most people admire after. My first celebrity crush was Brendan Frazer and for the longest time I have held a candle in my heart for Johnny Rzeznik. I will always hold a tender for them.

My current main crush is Thorin Oakenshield, specifically Richard Armitage as Thorin but my crush is not necessarily on Richard Armitage but his portrayal of Thorin. The character of Thorin Oakenshield is strength. He is a leader, specifically king, to his people and puts their well-being above his own desires, which in turn means he has honor and loyalty. He's not perfect and that actually makes me fall for his character more. He has pride but will admit when he is wrong. He broods but that means he feels things deeper than he lets on. He is stubborn but will do what is necessary.

On a physical level, he is a man. Thorin Oakenshield is a warrior, a blacksmith. He is fur and leather with strong arms, hands and body. This is how Thorin looks in my head. Pardon me, while I swoon for a second. 

What seals the deal for me, is that with Richard Armitage as Thorin, that voice sends shivers down my spine in the best of ways and when his eyes look at you, you feel like you would melt in the best of ways. 

I think I may go watch the Hobbit now!  lol

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Geek On!

So I'm a geek. I feel I've been very clear on that point and I don't have just one geekdom, but in fact, I have several. I read, I adore certain tv series and I play video games so there's quite a lot that I can spout about. Recently, I went to the Great Philly Comic Con and it was glorious! I was an adoring fan as I took in all the merchandise around me and a gawking idiot to the celebrities that came to share their work there. I got my picture with Jewel Staite and Alan Tudyk. I got my picture with David Ankrum. I have no words on how much this mean to me. That is all. I can't wait til next year!