It's for these same reasons why I believe that once you make a strong decision, you shouldn't be so easily swayed. That's not to say a person isn't allowed to change their mind but that a change should come with a good reason. You made that decision for a reason after all. It's also for these reasons that you live with the consequences of these choices. Assuming that you've been given the information of your choice, you're aware of what happens with it.
I never really thought of myself as a traditional person but I think it's for these ways of thinking that I feel wedding vows are a bit sacred. It's that choice to promise to be with that person and only that person for the rest of your lives, made in front of people and whatever gods you believe in. It's not something to be done on a whim. These days, it's a whole production with a whole year or more to plan and make into a spectacle so it's not as if there isn't a whole lot of time to make sure of what's happening. The sad fact though is that there is divorce and cheating and a whole matter of marriage statistics, which honestly baffles me but that's another topic for another time.
I have a husband, who I love, and I take my wedding vows seriously. I made a promise to be with him and no one else but him and he made that same promise to me, which I expect him to take seriously. I made that very clear from the start. If he ever comes to the realization that he no longer wants to be with him, then he need only to tell me that. Of course, I would be hurt and though I might be angry at the situation, I wouldn't be angry at him as long as he was honest with me. If he wanted to be with another person, then he simply needs to tell me. He needs to end things with me before he starts something with the other person and if he started something with the other person before he ended things with me, that would make me angry, that would make me vindictive. I would really prefer to not make a difficult situation even worse with insane amounts drama, if I really had to go through such events.