Monday, April 4, 2016

Holding that umbrella

There once was an old woman who lived in a shoe . . .and she dropped it on me. That's about it. Obviously, I was saying that the other shoe has dropped in the most ridiculous way I could think of.

Those moments when things are going well and I'm actually not dreading what might come but actually planning for a happy future and then that most random thing comes out of nowhere and just plows into you happens to me far too often then I care to admit. It's why I'm an umbrella girl--the type of person who carries an umbrella all day when there's a chance it might rain because if I don't bring it, it will pour down hard on me but when I do have it, it's just another cloudy day. I have accepted that about myself. I just wish people would accept that fact about me because when I'm carrying around that umbrella, I'm asked why am I worried about stuff like that and why would I think about the worst thing that is happening. Because it does happen and I'd rather be prepared for it and deal with the smaller amount of fallout than to feel completely blindsided.

I feel that most catastrophic events are preventable if people would simply take the time to plan for them. There are always signs of what may come and people simply need to watch for them and not ignore them. Not acknowledging things does not make it go away. It only surprises you in the most horrific way. I see those signs. I point them out. I prepare for them. I'm called Kassandra and I accept that.

So I deal with things. I have my moments when I wallow in them but I never let that go on for too long. Then I actively work on things. It's what I do and I need to do that now. Before I leave, here's a light-hearted approach to the word of umbrella.  Why? Cause I can.

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