Wednesday, March 4, 2015

OO--obsessive organizing

Yes, I am indeed obsessed about organizing things in my life and even in other people's lives. I hate losing things. I got the item for a reason and if I can't find it when I need it, there wasn't much point that at all and simply becomes a waste. I can't stand waste. I like purpose but there is a paradox that I adore of sometimes the purpose of something is not to have a purpose. I can't explain it except to say it works in my head. I guess it's kind of a reminder that nothing in life is perfect and it's also a good reminder to sometimes relax.

I spent the last few weeks creating a household binder. I can't believe I never stumbled on this idea before. I love keeping all relevant information on the household all in one spot. Important contact information is within easy reach and things that impact our living situations such as grocery shopping and coupons are also ready to be used.

If you haven't already done this I completely suggest it. I have my Ipad2 and still use it everyday, all day but let's face it, there are still something that need to be on ink and paper.

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