Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Rights to dream about

Yesterday was Martin Luther King Day and I suppose I should have a post about civil rights but I feel that enough of my past posts should give away my feelings about the subject.  For this post, I want to focus on another type of right that I feel everyone should have and that is of healthcare.

Our healthcare system is a complete mess. While one procedure might cost this amount in one hospital, the price might be skyrocketed compared to another hospital. Healthcare is unfortunately a private business and in my opinion, it should be government regulated. Equal care for all is the way to go. If you got the money and you want perks in your hospital stay, I say pay your way but there should be a bottom line cost that should be equal for all. Insurance should be at a base rate that again if you have the money and you want more perks you're free to pay for more but the basics should be the same for all and not cost an arm and leg to receive.

Simple idea but insane to put into practice, I know. The Affordable Healthcare Act is just a bandage on a damaged system. No one understands it and the level of cooperation between local, state and government just leaves everyone in chaos to what needs to be done. My personal experience in trying to get any type of information was hellacious and that's putting it lightly. Seriously the runaround I got was completely and utterly ridiculous. I say wipe the entire system down and start afresh but there's no way that will happen with the amount of money that health insurance companies are currently collecting.

But this is just my opinion and but this is my blog and I'm allowed to share my opinion.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

It's January again, a sort of Monday

January has become my least favorite month. When you think about it, there's almost a sense of logic to that idea. After all, what is everyone's least favorite day of the week? It's Monday, of course, the first day of the week and January is the first month of the year. There is that bit of a correlation, even if there really isn't all that much practical logic to the situation but when one is speaking of emotions, there never really is any logic to things, is there? It's not as if I have a personal problem with the month of January but it does seem like it's out to get me.

Last January was a mess to say the least. It was snow fall after snow fall and power outages to make things even more difficult, not to mention the personal business of losing a loved one in the most unexpected way with petty dramas on the side. This year doesn't seem to be going that much more different. The weather is terrible with below freezing temps and wind chills that take your breath away. While there is no current loss of a loved one, there is the threat of loss with the unexpected realization of the reclining health of a loved one and the situation just seems a bit too similar not to give one a sense of eerie foreboding.  Also, that petty drama never seems to go away, no matter how often I avoid it.

I'm doing my best to hold onto positive thinking but it's difficult. Memories of last year are threatening to bleed over with the problems of this year and I'm having issues of holding onto my own emotions. When it gets bad, I take some deep breaths until I feel my pulse stops racing and then I keep going because I have no other choice except to continue but things don't stop. I'm praying things get better and all I can ask right now is any positive thoughts to be sent my way. I remind myself though, I can do it and I will do it.