Sunday, August 24, 2014

Life, it goes on

This is just going to be one of those updates about my personal life.  There's so much going on that it's been hard to keep up, literally.

First off, I got a job.  It's a tough job.  The first few days were especially hard.  I'm in the packing and shipping industry.  I started out loading trucks and it hurt a lot.  I even injured myself by pulling a muscle in my leg and had to call off on just my 3rd day of work.  I hated to do it but as I couldn't really move too much for about 3 days afterwards, I feel it was the better choice.  I showed up the following Monday, which apparently surprised a few people, and kept working hard.  I proved I'm no quitter and I suppose I've made a good impression as they've moved me from the trucks to sorting, which is better physically but it gets confusing at times as sorting is in actuality the weirdest geography game ever.  I'm getting it but I'll admit some days are better than others for remembering.  I'm going to keep working on it though and hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon, mentally and physically.  On the plus side, I got my first paycheck in 10 years.  It really felt good to see a check that I earned.

Second of all, it's back to school time.  If anyone remembers, last year was a nightmare with the scrambling to get school uniforms.  Lucky, I thought ahead and already got most of what my daughter needed clothing wise and kept basics on hand so the process is so much smoother this year.

Those are the major points.  Of course there are the millions of day to day things that keep me busy.  I keep trudging ahead as best as I can even if it means taking a step backwards at times.

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