Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Adventures in babysitting

I couldn't help imagining that as I picked the title of my newest post to hear it in an epic movie VoiceOver with the added effect of an echo. Can you tell I'm a child of the late 80s/early 90s?

Getting to the point of things, I'm playing nanny to a friend's baby as she is forced to go back to work. The pay is low though to be fair I didn't ask much and the reason for her to go back to work is because they can't afford for her to stay home. Daycare, as everyone is aware, is expensive so I'm a cheap but loving alternative.  

I love babies.  I have my one baby, who isn't an actual baby anymore at the age of 6.  I love babysitting. It's all the fun of having a kid without the work.  It works well for everyone.

Not that I'm anywhere near perfect or anything like that but well, everyone knows the wonders of a British nanny, not that I'm British either.  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The pen is mightier than the keyboard

I fancy myself a writer.  I'm aware of the fact that I'm being redundant as this is a post of a fairly well updated blog.  Granted, I do absolutely nothing to promote my blog but I write things and I put it here as part of my creative process.

Again, to obviously state, I'm not a stranger to technology.  I have a smartphone--Samsung Galaxy S3, to be exact and, which in case you can't tell, I do love having it though I don't use it as constantly as some may think.  As said in a previous post, I also have an Ipad2.  It is my second brain, and without it my productive levels would be near nil or feel close enough to it.  I also have a PC.  My current model is not one that I built myself.  Due to space constraints, I have a Toshiba All-in-1 touch screen desktop.  I have no use for it being a touch screen but the specs are standard and as I mostly type, read, research with the occasional Sims game, it does it's job very well.

With having all that established, I adore pen and paper.  A lot of my non-prose poetry, that no one is ever allowed to read, is still put into a blank book of sorts.  I collect interesting journals and I love new types of pens.  My favorite type of writing instruments are fountain pens and such.  I do even own a quill with a bottle of ink.  There is just something romantic to take fill an empty page with the written word.  For me, it feels like my hand knows what to put down before my thought process has even started.

The point is, though, that when it comes to sharing thoughts and ideas, do so in whatever way you feel comfortable and never feel limited to a single medium.  

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Family, whether black, white, yellow, peach, purple or green

I'm Asian as I've stated a time or two on this post.  I love being Asian as there are so many jokes that go along so well with my interests and hobbies and such.  Here's a kicker--my husband is of European mixed ancestry; in other words, he's a white boy and I love him dearly.  We have a daughter, together.  To some, I'm just pointing out the obvious.  To others, I may have just shocked them into controversy.

The really interesting part is that I never even stopped and thought about how we're a interracial couple or how my kid is a mixture of races.  To me, my husband is my husband.  My child is my child.  We're a family.  We love each other and we spend time together and that's that, so no need to call the news media.

And yet, this commercial from the Cheerios company and its sequel is enough to stir hateful remarks.  I saw it and my first thought was simply that she's a cute kid cause she wants to make sure her daddy is eating healthy.  It didn't even register in my mind that the father is black and the mother is white.  To be honest, I don't see why such a thought should have ever been pointed out to me.

In a world, where people open gun fire in public areas, where people are still fighting for the right to marry who they want to marry, where people are still struggling to put food on the table, where people are trying their hardest to be able to take care of themselves, we should be happy that this commercial shows a family that cares about each other, but apparently, that thinking is just too forward.