Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year, Same Me

No resolutions; I never do New Year resolutions.  It's a statistical fact that no one ever keeps it, so there's no point in making one.  If you didn't do it last year, what makes a person think they're going to keep it this year?  More likely than not, they won't.  I refuse to add to that failing mind set.  I make up my mind, and when I'm darn good and ready, I do it.  I've been doing really good on that and I hope to keep going with that.

I do, however, have a personal wish for 2014.  I beg for it actually--less drama.  It's a fruitless wish I know, but a girl can dream, can't she?  Also, a little more rest and sleep would be great.  This is more ending up like a personal wish list, isn't it?  

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