Thursday, December 26, 2013

Know thyself, by seeing through another's eyes

If I was able to leave a specific legacy for others to remember me by, it would be for people to understand thy self by seeing yourself through the eyes of others.

The analogy goes that each person lives in their own world, almost trapped in a box of their own making when they can only see what is inside their own mind. Beyond that box is a whole other world, always unknown, sometimes scary and can hurt you but more amazing than ever imagined. But the person only sees what is in their box and not the space outside until sometimes another person comes along and taps, taps the box. The person inside can either box the self in by reinforcing their own world and refusing to believe there is something outside the box or they can let the other person inside. The two people can share stories, get to know one another and become friends. Thus, they open the box together and see a bigger world. This doesn't happen just once but happens each time you let someone enter your life. Sometimes it's ok to stay in a box for a while because the world does box you into a place of hurt but never stay in there too long or you miss out on too much.

From religious intolerance, insecurity and so on, it's more important than ever to let people into your world, not to box yourself in so much and to experience and understand what others can share with you.

It's my wish for myself. It's my wish for the people I love. It's my wish for everyone. It's my wish for the world.  As they say, open the curtains, let the light in.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sing, sing this holiday song

I admit it--I love Christmas songs.  I'm not a religious person at all and it's better for all that I don't step into such a building on a regular day but I adore the holidays singing programs and have been known to sneak into the back of a random church to listen in and hear the songs.  I adore the reverence in respect of the holiday season, whether the song is religious or secular or just plain fun.  It puts me in that awe and joy of that time of the year to give and get and spend time with the loved ones with trimmings of tradition and mixing of the new.  

So I give you this song to enjoy . . .