Tuesday, July 23, 2013

From Eve to Steve?

I've touched on one "controversial" subject so I suppose it's time that I share my views on an a really controversial topic--gay marriage.

Homosexuality is the current hot discussion of this generation with too numerous side to name.  There are those who believe that it's completely wrong as it goes against the Bible, those who call themselves Christian but are gay and live the life, others who call themselves Christian and are gay but believe it's wrong and refuse to act on their desires and others who say live and let live.  I basically fall into the live and let live category for the most part, which is another way of saying I do indeed support any person's right to live the life they choose to live so long as it does not harm another person's life.

To be honest, I see only positive things in allowing gay marriage.  It's a boon to the economy.  They got money to spend, so let them spend money on weddings.  Yeah, that was the most superficial reason I could think of.  But seriously, you can't help who you fall in love with, it's been said to straight people so why the hell does it not apply to gay people?  It goes against the Bible, you say?  It also says no sex before marriage and that you should only wear one type of fabric, that it's perfectly acceptable to have slaves, women during menstruation are unclean and so on and so on and that's all from the same section that says to lay with another man is wrong.  If you're only picking parts to follow, that's called hypocrisy and thanks for playing our game cause you just lost any right to continue the argument.

The main reason why the US should allow gay marriage is the main reason why the US was created, which is freedom to choose to live life the way you want to, as long as it does not harm another person.  I have a whole mess of arguments that I can whip out to continue to drive my point across but really, I've said what needs to be said.

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