Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Learn Your History, Man . . .

Or you'll be doomed to repeat it!

The problem is what do you do when you can't learn your own history.  It's a situation that not many understand.  After all in this day and age, people are living longer and longer and in some cases having kids earlier and earlier so history is within easy access of simply calling up grandmother or in some cases great-grandmother.  Sometimes, a person doesn't have that though and there's no records of familial history.  The question stands how does one learn of their history if they know nothing of it.

Unfortunately, due to different circumstances, I'm one of those few.  I have never met my own grandparents.  I have uncles and aunts who I have no idea what their names are and likely more cousins than I might ever know what to do with but because of how secretive my parents are and thanks to a cultural barrier, I'll likely never meet them.  It's bothersome to enter a new doctor's office and have to fill out those patient history forms as it's just a reminder that I don't know any of that info.  At this point for all I know I could be susceptible to every disease imaginable and yet I'm forced to live in ignorance about it.  

I may never know my family history but my child doesn't have to remain that way for at least half of her family.  I'm in the process of researching family history.  www.ancestry.com

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Curvy, stick . . .am I a road?

I wore a dress a few weeks ago. Yes, it was indeed a miracle of all miracles that I wore a dress but well, I got to shake things up every so often and not let people start thinking I'm all predictable.  Besides, it was my daughter's preschool graduation and my husband's birthday soon. Anyway, I was actually happy with my appearance. It was a nice color, covered everything while still showing that I am indeed a female. I even posted the pic on FB, sort of a proof that I can be a girly-girl just once every couple of years or so. I got a few compliments but honestly, I was posting more for the shock value. One of the comments was something along the lines of: "You go, girl and show off those curves!" I know she meant it as a compliment of being proud of my body but the statement made me really think about such things as body image and all that.

First off, to set the record clear, I'm fairly neutral about my self-image. I don't believe myself to be beautiful but I don't believe myself to be ugly either, but nor do I believe myself to be plain. I'm me and that's easy and more than enough for me.  There is no one else like me, looks or personality-wise and honestly, I take comfort in that. Anyway, the point is that I'm not fat but I'm no way near skinny. Weight-wise, I'm average with being able to wear Medium sizes for the most part. I used to have less weight on my frame but I had a kid and I would rather focus my time and energy on other things than worry about being a smaller size. What I'm saying is that I wouldn't say no to losing weight but it's just not a priority. 

The point of what I'm trying to say is that why is an average sized woman considered to have curves? Shouldn't an average sized woman be considered just simply looking good? When did being stick thin start being called not curvy? Why is being considered above average sized as curvy or big boned? They're overweight. The human body has a limit to what is considered healthy. I just find it completing that body image has no bearing on healthy. Perhaps I'm missing something on this topic?