Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Forward, march!

Sadly enough, I'm terribly late with this post. This isn't the best trend to be continuing for this year and I'm trying my best to turn things around, which is now my goal for this year.

The quote goes, "To the world, you might be one person but to one person you might be the world." Now, I'm not meaning to take this literally in that I mean to make myself so super important to a single person. I'm meaning to focus on my own interactions on a day to day basis, trying to make the most positive outcomes for myself and those around me. I want to better myself and others around me through more direct acts. I will continue to do what is right instead of what is easy.

First off, I'm going to work on myself. I can't help others if I can't take care of myself. I've started counting my calories again. I need to eat healthier and counting calories helps me with that. It forces me to drink more water and snack on junk food less but not totally deprive myself of the foods I enjoy. I've already lost about 5 lbs. Next, I need to exercise more. Luckily, I have a fairly active job and that gives me strength training on day to day basis. I need to add a daily stretch routine, which I'm hoping to start soon, maybe even today. I also want to add a little more cardio to my daily routine such as a walk or something. I will work up to it, going one step at a time. I want these habits to last.

I will continue on my ever lasting list of things to do around the house and try not to let things fall to the way side due to sheer laziness. I can't work in a messy environment and I have to remember that maintenance is a lot easier in the general run of things. I've been doing a good job of picking up the general work schedule again this past week and now I just have to keep it up.

Most important on my self, I need to remember to give myself time to relax, time to have fun and time to rest. It's my worst point. I'm always last on my own list. I have to remember that it's important to recharge my own batteries so that I have the energy and right frame of mind to keep going forward.

Second of all, I'm going to work on personal relationships. I need to be less judgmental and less likely to jump to conclusions. No matter how right I feel that I am, I need to approach situations with a cool head. I have to remember that ignorance can only be beaten by teaching a person to think for themselves and that arguing usually only causes a person to dig their own heels further into the issue. Each person has their own unique situation and I need to remember that I need to share in their experiences sometimes.

I was recently in a situation in which a person said something that came across as ignorant and completely hypocritical. I tried to confront this person in a less public fashion but this person instead decided to avoid confrontation without any explanation. The situation was a reminder that not everyone is as ready to deal with issues as I am and I have to remember that I have no control over that and to move on.

I am my world and there are others in their worlds. My goal is to let those worlds meet and be better off for it.

Friday, February 10, 2017

2017 so far . . .

I'm not happy with current events. Every time I even glance at something on the internet, it's just terrible news. When I believe that the ignorance and bigotry people are daring to show can't reach a new level, they like to prove me wrong. It's more than a month into this year and the trend hasn't slowed down yet. I'm honestly terrified for the future of our nation.

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get this little bit out. I'll hopefully have something less doom and gloom to share about.