Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tis almost the season

I know that it just barely turned autumn but I am already seriously freaking out about the holidays coming up.  The equinox was just last week and all that but Oct. is coming up and once that hits, it’s going to start going insane for me. 

In the third week of Oct., we’ll get pumpkins to carve and bags of candy to pass out.  Halloween will hit.  Within a few weeks of that is the anniversary.  My husband and I will have been married for 7 years and will be going on 8 years.  Right after that is my daughter’s birthday.  She will be turning 3.  Days after that is my own birthday.  I don’t think I’m quite hitting 30 yet.  I’m fairly sure I’ll be turning 29 but I’ll do the math later to make sure I’m right.  Soon after will be Thanksgiving.  Of course, there is then the insanity of Christmas with the writing of holiday cards, holiday family pictures and the holiday shopping.  New Years will follow shortly after.  But it won’t end there for me.  I have to start organizing and packing my house as about a month or 2 later I will be moving back home to PA. 

Having to do all that, along with the everyday things that keeps the household and life moving, is going to crazy because school and life with a 2 year old isn’t already enough. 

Can I just say ‘Bah humbug’ now and get it over with? 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My hero of the day . . .

is my husband.  He came home today from the training trip.  I’m happy.  Not much more needs to be said besides that.  :)